Pemanfaatan Pepaya Muda Menjadi Keripik Buah di Dusun Alerang, Kabupaten Gowa

Sitti Rahmi Razak, Sahari Sahari


Dusun Alerang, located in Bontolangkasa Selatan Village, Bontonompo District, Gowa Regency, holds significant potential for processing unripe papaya into value-added products. However, the community’s utilization of unripe papaya remains limited, resulting in a low economic value for this agricultural resource. The Community Service Program (PkM) conducted by Universitas Muslim Indonesia aimed to empower the community by introducing innovation in processing unripe papaya into fruit chips. The implementation methods included socialization, education, technical training, and marketing assistance. The program successfully increased the average income of the target community by 50%, established self-reliant business groups, and enhanced skills in business management and marketing. Additionally, the unripe papaya chips produced have gained market appeal due to their quality and attractive packaging. This program demonstrates that local resource-based innovation can empower communities, boost the local economy, and foster sustainable businesses. For the program’s sustainability, strengthening infrastructure, providing access to capital, and offering digital marketing training are essential. The program’s success serves as a model for supporting local economic empowerment in the horticultural sector.


Unripe Papaya, Fruit Chips, Community Empowerment, Product Innovation, Sustainable Business.


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Jurnal Balireso: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
ISSN 2502-0617
Published by LPkM UMI

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0