Sosialisasi Penggunaan Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Media Sosial Pada Siswa SMAS Pesantren IMMIM

Salmia Syarifuddin, Setyawati Yani, Nurjannah Abna


The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and social media has changed the digital landscape. This presents new challenges and opportunities for the younger generation. This outreach activity aims to enhance the understanding and awareness of SMAS Pesantren IMMIM students about the wise and responsible use of AI and social media. The methods used include interactive lectures, group discussions, and hands-on practice involving 30 students as participants. The outreach activities focused on three aspects: (1) introduction to the concept of AI and its impact on daily life, (2) ethics of social media use, and (3) strategies for optimizing digital technology for personal development. The results of the activities showed a significant increase in students' understanding of AI and social media. Participants were able to identify positive opportunities for using digital technology, understand the ethics of social media, and develop critical skills in using digital platforms. This activity is expected to shape a generation of young people who are intelligent, responsible, and capable of utilizing technology for personal development.


Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, Digital Literacy, Technology Socialization, Secondary Education.


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Copyright (c) 2025 Salmia Syarifuddin, Setyawati Yani, Nurjannah Abna

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Jurnal Balireso: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
ISSN 2502-0617
Published by LPkM UMI

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0