Produk Inovasi Es Krim Daun Kelor Kaya Nutrisi Untuk Penigkatan Pendapatan Pada Kelompok Mitra di Desa Pucak Kecamatan Tompobulu Kabupaten Maros

Aryati Arfah, Serlin Serang


Based on the Indonesian National Standard, ice cream is a type of semi-solid food made by freezing ice cream powder or from a mixture of milk, animal or vegetable fats, sugar with or without other food ingredients from permitted food ingredients. Ice cream is a frozen food made from dairy products, such as cream (or similar), combined with flavorings and sweeteners. Ice creamIt is also a processed product with the main ingredients being milk, sugar, cream and water. IceCream is made by freezing and mixing with raw materials simultaneously. The ingredients used are a combination of milk and ingredients additives such as sugar and honey or without flavorings and colors,emulsifier and stabilizer. The ice cream mixture is called ice cream mix (ICM), By mixing the right ingredients and processing correctly, you cangood quality ice cream is produced (Rahmawati et al., 2012). Ice cream has a fairly high source of energy. Ice cream is usually consumed as a dessert and is grouped as a snack.


Moringa Leaves, Moringa Leaf Ice Cream.


Kandungan Gizi Pisang yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan.

Manfaat Cokelat untuk Kesehatan Tubuh.

Pisang Bermanfaat Bagi Kesehatan, Berikut Khasiat Dan Manfaat Pisang

Pratiwi, F. 2013. Pemanfaatan Tepung Ikan Layang Untuk Pembuatan Stik Ikan. Skripsi. Jurusan Teknologi Jasa dan Produksi Universitas Negeri Semarang.



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Jurnal Balireso: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
ISSN 2502-0617
Published by LPkM UMI

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