saida saida, Ida Rosada, Amir Tjoneng


Karya Tunas Muda farmer group is located in Pucak Village, Tompobulu District, Maros Regency. This group has not utilized environmentally friendly technology in cassava cultivation. The problem faced by this farmer group is the use of the right type of fertilizer and dosage for cassava cultivation. This activity aims to provide knowledge and skills for the community, especially the Karya Tunas Muda farmer group in utilizing environmentally friendly technology in cassava cultivation to increase production and harvest technology that can improve the quality of production and processed products that are more varied. The methods used in the implementation of this Community Service Program are counselling, training, plot demonstrations, and mentoring. The results of the implementation of the community partnership service program, namely the material provided in counselling and training activities the knowledge and skills needed by the Karya Tunas Muda farmer group to overcome problems in managing agricultural waste into liquid organic fertilizer and utilization in cassava cultivation. Farmers participating in counselling and training apply the knowledge and skills gained in this activity in managing agricultural waste into liquid organic fertilizer and utilization in cassava cultivation. Demonstration activities carried out by applying knowledge and skills can increase the productivity of farmers' land, especially cassava plants


cassava cultivation; liquid organic fertilizer; yield technology; production.

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Jurnal Balireso: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
ISSN 2502-0617
Published by LPkM UMI

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