Ida Rosada, Saida Saida


The Bulo Sibatang farmer group in Pucak Village, Tompobulu District, Maros Regency mostly plant corn and rice. The problem faced by the Farmers Group is the low productivity of the corn planted due to low soil fertility and pest and disease attacks and no post-harvest technology efforts have been made. This activity aims to provide knowledge and skills for the community, especially the Bulo Sibatang farmer groups in utilizing cultivation technology on corn plants and corn post-harvest technology. The methods used in implementing the PkM Program for the Community are counselling, training, demonstration plots, and mentoring. The results of this internal community service activity are (1) the material provided in counselling and training activities is the knowledge and skills needed by farmer groups to overcome problems in the use of organic fertilizers in corn cultivation, (2) farmers participating in counselling and training to apply the knowledge and skills gained in this activity in the use of organic fertilizers in corn cultivation and postharvest. The application of knowledge and skills increases land productivity and increases maize crop production and postharvest treatment. (3) This community service activity received a positive response from the participants and hoped that activities like this would be sustainable and sustainable.


cultivation technology; post-harvest technology; corn plant


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Jurnal Balireso: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
ISSN 2502-0617
Published by LPkM UMI

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